Hello! How are you? I am so happy it's Friday and I can finally post something. I would love to say: I have summer holidays, but the weather won't let me. It's like autumn all ready. But I am still having so much fun with my friends. I believe you are having so much fun! Have a great day! Style of a day (Bershka):
Hello! How are you? It's one of those sad, rainy summer days but I am so excited to leave my town for two months and at the same time I can't wait to come home and start my new high school life. The next post will be in Friday because I won't have my computer till then. Have a great day and check my blog in Friday! Style of a day (Forever 21):
Hello! How are you? It's a lovely Sunday and just right for "light" and "moving" clothes. I am packing my thing and waiting tomorrow, because we are finally going in camp at seaside again! I will be able to say: "Summer holidays are here!" After 2 days of thinking witch clothes should I take with me, because we will be there 2 months, I need a lot to take with me, I came to a conclusion:"I will need some help." So I took a book Style by Lauren Conrad and after 2 hours put all together. I can't say I am perfectly happy, with my "summer collection" but I am going to say, it's fine. Have a great day and I will try my best posting as much as I will be able to. Have a great summer and stay fabulous! Style of a day (Modcloth)-LOVE THE SKIRT:
Hello! How are you? Yesterday I finally got in my high school! I am so happy and looking forward for meeting new people and some cute guys (Ha-Ha). But first SUMMER! It's first day of summer people! So for perfect start of summer, you can dress so summer spirited! Have a great day!
Style of a day (H&M):
Hello! How are you? It's so hot here and I'm really grateful for climate and lemonade! Oh, we all wish some times we could just hid inside and don't go out in summer time, but if you know how to dress, you don't have this kind of problems, do you? So let me show you, what I love to wear on such a hot day! Have a nice day! Style of a day (Nasty gal):
This looks fresh and summer spirited! Don't forget to drink a lot of water and oh, I almost forgot those!
Hello! How are you? Do you know the feeling when you have summer holidays and you are not in your holiday location, so you are all day just thinking...? Well, I have one of those days. I was thinking about my dreams and future. When I was a little girl I was a ballet dancer. If I could have a chance to dance again, I would. Between dreaming of dancing and my mini prom to come, I really find out who I am. A girl that is in love with fashion. Now you are probably saying:"You are to young to know what you really want to be," but some how I just know. Maybe you remember I sad: "When I see some piece of clothing, I just need to combine it," well, it's 100% true. So, what I want to be when I finish my high school? My parents said: "It's great you like fashion but that is just a hobby." And since I need to have a back up plan for a future in this world, I would like to be a therapist if fashion doesn't work out. But no matter what will my job be, I was, I am and I will always be a fashion freak! What are your plans for your life? Have a nice day! Style of a day (Zara)

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