Hello! How are you? Tradition is a part of every family. And every family has a special one. My family. Well, we stick to simple but yet fun style of a night. And here it's how we do that:
1. After all the cooking and getting ready, we have a huge family dinner.
Something like this, but a little bit shinier!
2. After delicious dinner we have this small talks which last a long time and when soundtrack of best Christmas songs, which lasts forever, is over we realise it's time to do something more fun. And we are off to family game
3. The moment when we wake up next day it's not exactly the movie moment. We don't run and open gifts on Christmas morning, but after New Year's Eve-St. Nicolas. But we do have this Santa breakfast.
4. Than we have a special day. On that day I can say we get rest for all upcoming year. What do we do?
Yeah, that would be it. I don't really have to take care of outfit for Christmas day, since I wear pyjama. But then I love to take care of New Year's one.
Have a lovely Christmas no matter what your tradition is like. Oh, and drink hot chocolate...When new year comes you won't be able to drink it without feeling guilty!
Love, Neža