
Look back FWs!

Hello! How are you? So, about FIW week. Do you know the feeling, when you've been working so hard for one thing and it finally became truth and you couldn't be more excited and then you get ill. I am so mad, I can't tell you what this thing is, because if I tell you, I will ruin the surprise and I guess all we can hope is for me to get better quick. And I figured look back on fashion weeks would be nice for today, ha? 




It was amazing! 
How do you like it?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža


The bests right from NYFW!

Hello! How are you? It's that time of the year again... The madly, crazy, super-good running around on the shows, discovering new sides of New York, reading the magazine and see yourself in the "street style of NYFW" rubric. Well, not really. More like...Waking up very early to catch the bus for school, getting the dates of first exams, going home and kind of trying to find the time for shooting. But it's still amazing to see all the people that come from all over the world to one city with one, same reason...fashion. It is great and it keeps telling me: KEEP PATIENCE!!! 

 NYFW Street Style NYFW Street Style NYFW Street Style