
I am a spring child. I was born in May. I need to say, many people like spring becouse it's like birth. All flowers and animals come out, when you look at the grass every day, you realize it's getting greener. And birds... when you wake up at the morning, you hear birds singing. So you are probablly asking yourself what's wrong with me, it is just a time of the year. I will tell you why. Do you know that fresh filing you have after, i don't know: running, swimming, shopping, photographing. Well, this is how I feel when I open the window, when it's getting warmer-but it's not to hot, when new clothes full of colors come out, when we finally go out and can be outside without scarves and coats... It kind of inspires me. So on this picture we see a tree full of life. Now, imagine the turquoise dress with a straight neckline and heart shape on the back, and flowers all over it. Inspiring, huh?

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