Hello! How are you? My last DIY was this one
Rose peeling and i think this one the best. With all the work I have put in my "searching for the right style" for now I figured out one thing. What? DIYs are so awesome. And here is another one, the simple one.
I am sure a lot of you know how to do these kind of bracelets but I decided to share it anyway.
You will need:
-cord-any kind of colour you want, I chose pale blue
-duct tape
1. You need to cut three exactly the same parts of cord and tie it together in a knot.
2. The middle part of cord and a knot have to be affixed with duct tape.

3. You put the right part under the middle one and over the left one.

4. You put the left part through the section between the middle and the right and you tighten them.
5. You do the same thing with the left part and you keep switching them. You will soon get a lovely bracelet.

I combined it with a lot of colourful ones and I love it, because it's kind of bohemian and still cool.
How do you like it?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža