
DIY Rose peeling

Hello! How are you? One of the biggest problems in my life right now is skin with imperfection. I have a very dry skin but because of all the "imperfections" on my skin I can use only tested products. What makes my life so much better and easier now is this peeling, made out of rose, sugar and coconut oil. How do you make it? It's easy!

You will need:
-any oil that works best for your skin (I use extra virgin coconut oil)
-roses (Roses have not been treated with preservative!!!)

You put all the ingredients in blender and ...

you blend it!

You put it in cute cup and cover it with the rest of rose leafs, to make it nicer.


You can use it for your body and face and you will get the baby skin that is going to smell fantastic!

How do you like it? 
Have a great day! 
Love, Neža

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