Hello! How are you? Victoria's secret show is like a swimming match. What?!
- Swimmers come out, they undress themselves and take a big, deep breath --> angels make a vision to be part of show and make a plan...
- They step on start blocks, shake their arms for one last time --> castings are on and they are in, that's it. Start!
- They jump--> they start with endless workouts, stop with delicious, yet dangerous carbohydrates and sugar and mental health is on
- *my favourite moment* they try to stay under water as long as possible, everybody is quiet and waiting for volcano to erupt --> angels, the euphoria is getting bigger and bigger, meetings start, plans, castings...it's so on and nobody knows it just yet
- Bum! They are out, with muscles bigger and stronger than ever, with major motivation and power to get to the end first, nothing will stop them. Spectators are watching with mouths wide opened and are trying to control themselves but they just can't, the spirit is on and there's nothing you can do about it. --> Lights down, first sits are taken by "important people", music is on. Every body's quiet, the only thing you can hear are the beats of angels' hearts. Than here it goes. First model is out, confident, fit, happier and sexier then ever. Audience is excited! The show starts.
- It's over. You won. It's time to get your medal. Best feeling ever, people cheering and congratulating, journalists are on. And just when you think there's nothing better, you hear your anthem... --> All the models are on catwalk, people are applauding and are smiling so hard, happy that they had opportunity to see this show. They are done, the feeling they have... All work that was done by designers, managers, media, photographers... Everybody instagraming and with this look in their eyes-I made it!
Why swimming? I live 2 minutes away from swimming pool, my brother works there every day, we all trained it and we love it. It's how I grew up, part of my life and it will stay this way.
How do you like it?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža
Love, Neža
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