Hello! How are you? There are some things, when time passes by, that stay with us forever. The most beautiful memories and the baddest too. In last few months, there were some major changes in my life, that made me different. I grew up a little and learnt to love every single day, no mater how bad it may seem... People that I spend days with are the best. And I am thankful for that. With all the things, that have happened, my interests changed a little too. Don't worry that's not the part when I tell you I am done with blogging (Hell no!), but I discovered my inner boho chick. As you know, over thinking is not always good, what helps me distress and really relax is yoga and running. And I am a fashion blogger and I like pretty things and I like to be in style and I love Roxy fashion and I will show you my latest faves!

'Cuz every little thing's gonna be all right!
Love, Neža
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