Hello! How are you? I had a very good weekend, with a very sad end. Anyways, I decdied to do a big DIY, since the weather outside is nothing but misserabile. I could at least make some skorts for warmer days, that are yet to come. So, skorts, the mix of shorts and skirt, chich, comfortable and the fact that you can where them anywhere, makes them very good. Let's start!
- sewing machine
- design templates (old skorts or the acctual template)
- thread
- scissors
- few pins
- (older) newspaper
- rubber band
- marker
- few safety pins
- nice cloth

1. You will start with getting yourself a design template or if you have a pair of skorts, just like I do, you will cut the newspaper to get the template. You also wanna leave some more space around your original skorts, for all the hems we'll do later.

3. So, now we can finally come to the real tasks. You will make a stitch all around every piece, so they won't rip on the edges.

4. Now that you have done this, it takes a lot of work with machine.
You will first sew together the part of pink arrows and than the yellow. You do this with every piece, so that means twice.

5. When you do this, you will put this two pieces together and sew them together.
First the part from the blue arrows and then the green.

6. The heaviest part is behind, now all we got to do is hem! Starting with the lower part of trouser leg. You can make it as wide as you want.

7. You do the same with waist part, but now you have to make it a little wider and leave two holes so you will be able to put in your rubber band. Before you do that, you have to measure your waist or any part you want your skorts to be. Once you got the measure you put a safety pin on each side of rubber band, so you can put it in easier.

8. All you have to do now, is sew these two parts of rubber together and make a few stitches to sew these holes.

Voila! You just made yourself an unique skorts! It's a little bit harder DIY, but it is worth of all the work.

How do you like mine skorts?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža
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