Hello! How are you? I am back from my surf trip in Spain. All I can say is AMAZING! I loved the ocean so much, it has so much power but it gives you so much fun. I really felt the surfing vibe and I love it. I have met so many great people and fell in love with the beautiful city of Zarautz. My mind is still somewhere in the line-up waiting to get whipped out by the big waves. And tomorrow is school. I can already feel how bad it will hit me. But I am different, I really enjoyed this few days and relaxed to the maximum.
I guess now I really understand those that start travelling and can't stop after the first few trips. I decided to work extra hard this year and enjoy life as much as possible. Those people are so chill, funny and loving. It's amazing to meet people that, you know, will cover your back if something goes wrong (after knowing them for only a few days) and once you get that vibe... The best and the great music and food, well I think I am in love haha. They gave me the vibe, I just have to keep it!
*I will share more pics, when I get them.*

Enjoy the day!
Love, Neža
What a nice moment. Thanks for sharing this informative information in your article. Nice blog & collection. Some days ago I bought a Backfire Longboard .