Dear readers! It's been so so long since my last post and a lot of things have happened since then. I finally finished my junior year of high school, which I though would never end. I couldn't wait for it to be over, the moment I stepped out of plane in Venice. It was the toughest year of school in my life! All the pressure professors put on you, because it can already affect your collage enrolment, is almost unbearable. But the worst thing is that it won't count for my college and I kind of don't see the reason I would stress so hard, even though all the people around were going crazy.
I have a little bit different plans for the future, than my school mates, which makes it hard for us to get on the same level, with wishes, work and plans. Since the moment I came from Spain, something in me changed, but the world stayed the same and expected the same things from me than before. It is really hard to be around people that don't experience something like this and you can't blame them for it, because they've done nothing wrong...you just lose the vibe with them. And as I lost the vibe with some people, I've made some vibes with new people. What I've learnt in this school year, is that you will always be alone at the end, but you will never be alone at all. You honestly can't expect from people, that they will leave or change their lives for you. But when you find your mental shtrenght, you are strong enough to see the beauty of being alone some times.
I have nothing special planed for this summer. I am now a swimming teacher and I will be working a lot, I am going surfing and that's pretty much it.
But you know if it's meant to be, it will be.
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