
I'll do it in the next year...

Hello! How are you? I am really upset since I couldn't post for a very long time, long story... And I decided to make a video. It's been a year full of success and failure.. I have grown so much as a blogger in one single year. From Iphone to Nikon, from posting other people's styles to my styles. And I showed everyone that I can do it. everybody thinks being a blogger is so so easy. It's not like math but it takes a lot of work, dedication, love and time, to make a simple blog. I won't even talk about the professional once. No matter how hard this is I love it. Really, it's part of my life and I couldn't be happier to say: I am a fashion blogger.

Sorry for the bad quality of the video!

I wish you all the best in year 2015. Make it cool, unforgettable, lovely, fun, active, great, fashionable... 
Love you!
Have a great night!


I am back

Hello! How are you? I killed it! Oh yes I did! I passed the math exam. And that means I have holidays. I am super excited to start blogging again and as I promised in last post (THE IT THING!), show you the thing I have been hiding. So take this post as an opening window to the new adventures... I am so excited I don't even know what I am talking about. 


Have a great day!
Love, Neža


A start of the end.

world Aids day
Delta Search
Hello! How are you? It is December! It's time when first snow falls, when everything gets a little different, a little better, when there are last few exams and first semester is almost over, when lights in town/city are back on, when everywhere you go, smells like tea and biscuit. I love it, who doesn't. It's that time of the year again when my position stays the same for some time, yes the time I am ill, every year the same. When the exciting thing is to inhale steam and hope it gets better. Let me show you how I see this Marry December.

Angels are ready and so are we! TOMORROW!!!


Free post

Hello! How are you? I am a really enthusiastic person, I love to smile all the time and be positive as much as I can. When you put together holidays, fashion, photography, writing and sport you get my kind of profi life. I am not proud to say this but my view on living in Slovenia is not very great. I admire all the nature beauty that we have, all the hard working people that we have ( I can honestly say that we are a very hard working nation that would do a lot to get to the place that we want to), all the talented people we have...and I could go on and on and I could hardly tell you all. The only problem is that I don't see myself right here. Well, today was not that kinda day. It was all about the famous Ljubljana marathon. I am very proud of my dad that once again showed he is one of a hell athlete (pure motivation). All the people that came together, all the love we shared, oh and the atmosphere!
I think it's time for look back! See it on link:

Let me know how you liked it!
Love, Neža


Put 2 pros together and BAM!


Hello! How are you? 
Telling you that there was a huge collaboration going on two days ago, would be boring (since the WHOLE Instagrem was about it). Yes I am talking about amazing, glamorous, sporty, high fashioned Alexander Wang x H&M. I mean you know that the work will be great when you put two professionals together...but this! L.O.V.E. 
Have a great day!
Love, Neža


Just wait

Hello! How are you? It's kind of annoying that I post twice or three times a week...believe me, I know! So, you probably want to know what I've been up to. There is something major going on here and it's a new photographer kind of situation. Because of the job and my school things didn't work out as planed, but no worries I have a new plan and I think it'll be a great one. I have a lot of new things to show you and I can't wait to get started. We are starting at the end of this week, so I guess the week after this, things will get on the right path. I know we are already so inspired since September's posts were nothing but a big fat inspiration, but come on...can you ever get to inspired?!

AndyTorresMadeleine13 - 


Look back FWs!

Hello! How are you? So, about FIW week. Do you know the feeling, when you've been working so hard for one thing and it finally became truth and you couldn't be more excited and then you get ill. I am so mad, I can't tell you what this thing is, because if I tell you, I will ruin the surprise and I guess all we can hope is for me to get better quick. And I figured look back on fashion weeks would be nice for today, ha? 




It was amazing! 
How do you like it?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža