Hello! How are you? It's hot, my hair is salty, it's sunny, I am getting some tan, I am working on style posts, I am happy---> My imagination part of brain is dead... I think. Here' s how my few weeks of summer, for now, looked like.

Neli always makes me smile haha

No, no I wasn't just eating+sleeping, at all actually

The nicest view and perfect end of the day

*imagine* It's nicely warm, the sun in shining, the wind is softly blowing, you have just end your shooting, you are sitting on a beach in nice bar...Ah, perfetto!

It always surprises me how many things I have to do before leaving home to go to seaside for week or so...busy, busy

Hahah I died!

After shooting selfie!

Just had a healthy snack after swimming and swimming and swimming...

Getting inked, haha, he's a pro.
How was your week?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža
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