
I love...


 I am wearing: Boohoo kimono, H&M jeans

Hello! How are you? I love watching the sky, swimming, running, going to the gym, working, blueberries, watching Bondi Rescue, Gery Pepper blog, Clean Bandit, receiving mails from people (especially from other people that work in fashion), my family, progress my friends, adventures, seaside, my dog, being a part of something, changes, positive people, travelling, sightseeing, yoga, mountains, special places, having wet hair, paddling, laughter, Allstars, energy, enthusiasm, motivation, hot chocolate, determination, my brothers, Roxy, team work, awards, freshness, freedom, remixes, counting things, nature... 
I love Jardin de mode. 
What are your "I love"s?
Have a great day, stay positive!
Love, Neža

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