Hello! How are you? I decided, that I will show you THE IT THING today. It was a day or two before the Christmas holidays, when I found out about an assignment from Lions District Slovenia. This assignment was named "Living healthy". They would pick five girls and five boys from Slovene high schools and would take them to Germany-like a camp (for all the healthy things), for three weeks. At first I was sceptic, you know. Am I really that fit to enter this? Will I make it right? And than I thought: What the hell, #yolo, good for my blog. With help of my friends and parents I decided to do it. And then it was time to start doing "it". I chose a video. I can't thank enough my little brother that helped me film all the things, gave up almost all his free time and is still sure I will win. I got trough the first round, tomorrow is the day of second round (there are three). I really don't know if I will make it, but at least I had fun, gain new experience and proved myself, that I am a fit person. Here it is!
Don't forget to watch it in HD.
You have to tell me what you think!
Have a great day! Love, Neža
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