Hello! How are you? It's been an amazing week at seaside. The weather is as it should be, hot and sunny. The water is amazing, if not even a bit hot. And I am having a great time. I fell in love with this playsuit the moment I saw it (it's from Boohoo). It's really light and cute, boho and chic, just right for summer.
Today on BLOGyourselfPRETTY is all about them haters. Not really necessarily haters, it could be anyone. Do you know that feeling, when you are absolutely on point and just hanging with someone and you get that look. The look that everybody hates, from the bottom to the top, the "I am better than you" look. Well, in that very moment I wanna take of my clothes lay on the ground and yell YOLO to that persons face. Because, wtf (pardon my french) you looking at! I am who I am. And I couldn't be happier for not being like you.
The other thing that gets me, well more things that get me, are those "wanna be nice, but didn't make it talks". Here are few statements that killed my sole and took away few months of my self-confidence:
I got this shirt that doesn't fit me, because it's so big, but I think it will be just right for you, if you would like it.
Don't worry, you're healthy! I had 10kg less then you, when I was your age, but don't worry you're cute!
Maybe you should sit in the back, because you're the heaviest.
I mean, I hate running without my sports bra, I can't imagine how you feel.
How did you fit in the ballet group, they are all skinny, aren't they?
I like the fact that you're so sporty... You paddle real good... I see your tummy, tummy.
You don't have to worry for chocolate left-overs, she'll it them latter.
People are mean. And those things get me every time. But then I think, I could get killed this very moment or even worse, I could have an accident and live the rest of my life as a plant. Is it worth it? NO! Can you be ok after this short time? NO! But after time, you get tired of those nasty, mean statements, say whatever you want, I know how I look and I am healthy and was happy till you came. So, go away, I don't need this shit, Mr./Mrs. perfect.
They will always say things, because they know how much it will hurt you, don't let them!

Love yourself, they say it because the don't know the real meaning of life!
Love, Neža
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