Hello! How are you? I don't even know how to start this post. I would usually start with this quote and than explain it in my example, but I can't even do that.
I have had a pretty rough year and I remember myself every time I say that, that I am the happiest person and things are pretty good for me, it could always be worse. And I am happy and thankful for every minute of this life. But no matter who you are, where you live, in what/who you believe, life can be real tough some times. I don't know if you remember this video I made (click here for video), well the price was tree weeks of Germany. It's not happening. It really hit me, because I was planning my whole summer around this, made big expectations and was really looking forward to it. But no, it's not happening for me. I am trying to get trough it with my moto of life: EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, and I hope I will find that reason soon. But it ain't all that bad! I got some other plans for summer, I made some awesome new friends and I guess I will improvise for this three weeks.
Nothing hills my soul more, than a good summer playlist.

Have a great day, stay strong!
Love, Neža
Love, Neža
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