Hello! How are you? Last day of the year, ha? If I look back to 2015, I can say that I have no idea, what happened to this year. It's more a blur, than anything else...
It started so, so good. And than things started happening. I have lost some great people but I have met so many new, greater people. I have learnt more about life in general. I have learnt to live life right. I have found myself. I have got closer with my friends and my family. I stopped worshipping material life. I started breathing.
I am more lost than I have ever been before. But I love being lost, lost with people I love, with goals I have... I have no idea what's next. I don't know if it will be good or bad. I just can't wait to relax completely again... To be 18, to get my drivers licence, to surf, to work, to finish my junior year, to get fitter, to live.
We created such a great year, but let's make the next one even better, okay?
Spread the good vibes honeiiiizzz!
Love, Neža
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