Hello! How are you? I haven't done this for so long, that I feel almost strange doing it. There's no good excuse for my lack of posting actually. I just didn't feel like doing it, you know. I have tried posting so many times, but I didn't know what to write... I have been working a little, studying a little more and day dreaming the most of my time. I honestly don't know what happens with us some times. We just freeze or hibernate. We become passive, waiting for that better life to come. Day dreaming gives us power to get trough present life. But getting trough is not what it should be at all. Waking up in the morning, should make us feel so blessed-we just got another day to enjoy. Rising up with the sun shine... I can go on and on, but it won't feel anyone better. All I know is, that you shouldn't think too much, you shouldn't stress to much, you should just laugh a lot and enjoy. Everything happens for a reason and everything is already planed for us. It's gonna be fine!
This is some of the work I have done with ŠD MULČEK so far. Check their work :)

You like?
Have a great day!
Love, Neža
Nice picture & so colorful images. I have some images when I riding my Best Atom Longboard .