
4. Paper Crown

Hello! How are you? 
There are only few things, that gather and connect people in group. Like Olympics do. All though we have amazing athletes and by saying amazing I mean SUPER, EXTREMELY, AMAZING, they aren't supported as they should be.  And that's exactly the only difference between Slovenia and any other country. One of the most important things on way to success is a proper support. I am not saying this just for sports, but for all activities. Slovenia is a very small country, with population only 2 millions, but people are talented and that is not very well seen or  appreciated. 
That is one of the main reasons, why I am almost sure I will move to other country. 
As said some countries do have support to success and consequently successful people. And yes I am talking about collection designed by Lauren Conrad, Paper Crown. 
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How do you like it? Have a great day! Love, Neža

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