
New year's eve outfit

Hello! How are you? Excited! This is my new year's eve style. It's simple but yet cute. I have seasoned my look with hot pink lips and shiny clutch. What are you wearing today?
 It's the last style and post on JDM this year. It was an amazing year but I still wish that the one that is coming is going to be even better! I wish you all an amazing last day, evening and start of new year. I hope all of your plans and wishes will come true! 
Love, Neža

I am wearing:
H&M dress and necklace, Deichmann clutch, Comer shoes


Time to say goodbye

Hello! How are you?
 It' been a year full of everything actually. If I look back now I can see some awesome things and major changes and experiences. And as every year has somethings I won't forget, so it has this year. If we are honest this year was very good for this blog. I have come from this girl, who had absolutely no plans in blog world (I was talking so much about weather in every post-weird), to a girl that is getting better at it. And all we can do is make sure we won't forget  good moments and forget the bad once. Now, what happened in this year (and by that I mean good and bad things) is a past. We must have good memories and step in a new year whit a lot of positivism. Let's see the best things from 2013 on JDM:


I have accomplished so much in one year. All though I don't have as much time as I had before, I can say I am so happy that this bloging like I imagined is finally getting really!
Don't miss tomorrow's New Year's eve party outfit! 
Have a great day! Oh, I really should thank every single one of you. Thank You for reading my blog, it means a lot to me!
 Love, Neža


Boyfriend in the house!

Hello! How are you? Tomorrow is time for action that I don't really like. No, it's not visit at dentist, it's studying math. But also it could be a lot worst. Even though these two hours or so, won't be any kind of festive, the other parts of day will be. And starting with different kind of style, it's a pretty good start! I wasn't really sure for this one. It's very boyfriend spirited... At the moment this spirit isn't really part of my life, so I was pretty much improvising. And surprisingly it came out very good, right?
Have a great day!
 Love, Neža
I am wearing:
DIY boyfriend cut jeans, H&M sweater (I kind of borrowed it from my brother...well, thanks bro!), Ultratex shoes



Hello! How are you? It's been an amazing week and I really hope that these few days that are left, will be that good too. I haven't been completely lazy these days... I have been doing something I really love. Yes, I had another photo shooting. It's composed of 6 styles and today we start with first one.
I am wearing:
Simple dress, H&M necklace, leggings, Comer shoes
Let me know how you like it!   Have a great day!
Love, Neža


Yesterday's Christmas eve

Hello! How are you? Christmas eve is behind us and it was very good, just like I said yesterday. The only problem is that I will need couple of hard trainings to get this food absolutely out. But it will wait for end of holidays.      I wish you all a great day and Merry Christmas! 
Love, Neža


Here you can see:


Merry Christmas!

Hello! How are you? Tradition is a part of every family. And every family has a special one. My family. Well, we stick to simple but yet fun style of  a night. And here it's how we do that:

1. After all the cooking and getting ready, we have a huge family dinner.

Something like this, but a little bit shinier!

2. After delicious dinner we have this small talks which last a long time and when soundtrack of best Christmas songs, which lasts forever, is over we realise it's time to do something more fun. And we are off to family game 

3. The moment when we wake up next day it's not exactly the movie moment. We don't run and open gifts on Christmas morning, but after New Year's Eve-St. Nicolas. But we do have this Santa breakfast.

Delicious :) 

4. Than we have a special day. On that day I can say we get rest for all upcoming year. What do we do? 


Yeah, that would be it. I don't really have to take care of outfit for Christmas day, since I wear pyjama. But then I love to take care of New Year's one.

Have a lovely Christmas no matter what your tradition is like. Oh, and drink hot chocolate...When new year comes you won't be able to drink it without feeling guilty! 
Love, Neža


C as Christmas!

Hello! How are you?
 After a day of sleeping and day with my family I can say I am alive again. Also, I am sooo happy that I will be able to blog properly again. Now, the first thing I have to say is: OMG, it's only three days till Christmas. And first winter day is behind! Since now I wasn't really able to get Christmas spirit in my soul, but with help of family, music and lights, I am all ready there! And it's totally time for Christmas outfit!
 Forever 21:

- Lauren  
Try with this hair style...if it's not exactly like this it's even better!

Christmas Nail ideas? 
There can never be too much sparkles when it comes to Christmas nail polish!

Have a great day! And welcome back readers!
 Love, Neža




Hello! How are you? Yayyyy! That is actually how I feel right now. There are only two days left and all the exams are passed, so great. Not only I am so happy that I will be able to sleep, go out with my firnds, spend some time with family, I will be able to write posts every day again! This is the thing that I am waiting for, the  most. So when this week ends Jardin de mode is back on! 
Enjoy FIW and have a great day!
 Love, Neža