
Time to say goodbye

Hello! How are you?
 It' been a year full of everything actually. If I look back now I can see some awesome things and major changes and experiences. And as every year has somethings I won't forget, so it has this year. If we are honest this year was very good for this blog. I have come from this girl, who had absolutely no plans in blog world (I was talking so much about weather in every post-weird), to a girl that is getting better at it. And all we can do is make sure we won't forget  good moments and forget the bad once. Now, what happened in this year (and by that I mean good and bad things) is a past. We must have good memories and step in a new year whit a lot of positivism. Let's see the best things from 2013 on JDM:


I have accomplished so much in one year. All though I don't have as much time as I had before, I can say I am so happy that this bloging like I imagined is finally getting really!
Don't miss tomorrow's New Year's eve party outfit! 
Have a great day! Oh, I really should thank every single one of you. Thank You for reading my blog, it means a lot to me!
 Love, Neža

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