
Hello, hello!

Hello! How are you? Can you believe, it's all ready October! If time will go by so fast I will be totally happy! 
But as happy I am for time passing by so fast, I am also happy for this time finally starting. Why?

1. Fall is the most colourful and prettiest time of the year.
Tumblr | via Tumblr 

2. You can get warm with a coup of tea-which is great (the winter time is so cold you can't).
tea and books | via Tumblr 

3. Oh, do I need to say anything about sweaters?

Well, there are a lot of things that I love about Fall but I would spend all day telling you everything. So, I won't say anything more than this:
Hello october 

Have a great day and check tomorrow's FIW! Love, Neža. 

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